Our Strategy

Our Vision

Research for better health

Our Mission

Enabling success

Facilitating and supporting world-class research

Making a difference

A commitment to ensuring positive impact through our funding and activities

Nurturing innovation

A go-to place where great ideas flourish


Leading a local research agenda that delivers positive heath outcomes for WA, Australia and the world

Our Core Values 


We will be ethical, credible and accountable in doing what we say we are going to do.


We will embrace opportunity by being curious, forward thinking, agile & courageous.


We recognise the importance of meaningful collaboration with our community in setting and achieving our goals.


We are driven by passion and perseverance.

Our Strategy

The RPH Research Foundation links universities, research centres and researchers with the Royal Perth Bentley Group and more broadly with the East Metropolitan Health Service to maximise health research impact.

Our Strategic Objectives

The Foundation strives to build on its rich history of research funding through the delivery of strategic objectives:

  1. Growth through leadership
  2. Research capability and Impact
  3. Environment for success
  4. Stakeholder engagement

By providing year-on-year funding and in-house facility support to researchers across a range of disciplines, the Foundation has become a renowned leader in its field. It’s core vision is to champion innovative research that has a real impact on the health and wellbeing of the wider community.

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